Onur Cobanli
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Onur Cobanli at WDI

Creative Value

Fine Arts and Art Installation Design

Sculptures, Paintings, Installations, Photographs, Drawings, Mixed Media Works, Ceramics, Art Objects, Craftworks and More.

Leading Technology

Home Appliances Design

Refrigerators, Dishwashers, Microwaves, Washing Machines, Dryers, Ovens, Vacuum Cleaners, Air Conditioners and More.

Fashionable Design

Fashion and Travel Accessories Design

Handbags, Scarves, Belts, Luggage, Hats, Travel Bags, Cravats, Gloves, Wallets and More.

Onur Cobanli

Onur Cobanli is a Enterprise from Italy.

Good Designers

Find award-winning designers and architects.

Architecture, Building and Structure Design
Architectural Excellence

Architecture, Building and Structure Design

Architectural Design Studios, Building Contractors, Structural Engineering Firms, Architecture and Design Consultants, Urban Planning Agencies, Architectural Technologists, Building Material Manufacturers, Interior Designers Specializing in Architecture, Architectural Visualization Studios, Landscape Architects, Infrastructure Design Firms, Architectural Lighting Designers, Architectural Acoustics Consultants, Architecture Brands, Architecture Manufacturers, Architecture Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Furniture Design
Furniture Excellence

Furniture Design

Furniture Designers, Product Designers, Industrial Design Studios, Furniture Brands, Furniture Manufacturers, Interior Designers, Architects, Carpenters and Artisans, Textile Designers, Design Consultants, Design Professionals, Design Collaboratives, Experimental Design Labs, Cultural and Artistic Organizations, Furniture Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design
Graphics Excellence

Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design

Graphic Designers, Communication Designers, Graphic Artists, Illustrators, Creative Agencies, Visual Communication Specialists, Branding Agencies, Branding Specialists, Advertising Agencies, Art Directors, Multimedia Artists, Digital Asset Creators, Typography Experts, Printmakers, Packaging Designers, Visual Identity Designers, Web Designers, Marketing Companies, Infographic Designers, Infographic Creators, Graphic Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Design Services

Work with award-winning designers and architects to acquire high-level design services.

Fine Arts and Art Installation Design
Creative Value

Fine Arts and Art Installation Design

Artists, Painters, Sculptors, Ceramicists, Installation Artists, Mixed Media Artists, Printmakers, Textile Artists, Glass Artists, Metalworkers, Public Art Creators, Art Collectives, Art Curators, Contemporary Art Galleries, Cultural Institutions, Art Fabricators, Readymade Artists, Calligraphers, Paper Artists, Industrial Designers, Architects, Interior Designers, Craftspeople

Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design
Horeca Excellence

Bakeware, Tableware, Drinkware and Cookware Design

Kitchenware Designers, Product Designers, Industrial Design Studios, Kitchenware Brands, Kitchenware Manufacturers, Ceramic Artists, Glass Artists, Metalsmiths, Culinary Professionals, Hospitality Industry Professionals, Restaurant Owners, Chefs, Home Goods Retailers, Tableware Designers, Cookware Designers, Kitchenware Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Landscape Planning and Garden Design
Product Excellence

Landscape Planning and Garden Design

Landscape Designers, Urban Planners, Garden Designers, Municipalities, Landscape Design Companies, Horticulturists, Botanical Garden Designers, Park and Recreation Planners, Ecological Restoration Specialists, Landscape Architects, Environmental Designers, Public Space Designers, Landscape Contractors, Landscape Management Companies, Landscape Design Consultancies, Landscape Design Innovation, Research and Development Companies

Digital and Electronic Device Design
Advanced Technology

Digital and Electronic Device Design

Consumer Electronics Designers, Consumer Electronics Brands, Consumer Electronics Manufacturers, Electronic Product Manufacturers, Industrial Designers, Technology Companies, High-Technology Innovators, Electronic Device Engineers, Hardware Engineers, R&D Firms, Electronics Specialists, Product Engineers, Appliance Manufacturers, Appliance Brands, Consumer Electronics Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design
Unlimited Fun

Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design

Toy Designers, Game Studios, Industrial Designers, Hobby Product Manufacturers, Child Development Specialists, Educational Consultants, Educational Product Developers, Play Therapists, Animation Studios, Board Game Creators, Video Game Developers, Interactive Entertainment Companies, Toy Brands, Toy Manufacturers, Toy Professionals, Pediatric Product Developers, Toy Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design
Fashion Trendsetting

Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design

Fashion Designers, Apparel Designers, Garment Designers, Textile Designers, Fashion Brands, Couturiers, Fashion Houses, Stylists, Tailors, Outfitters, Garment Manufacturers, Costume Designers, Accessory Designers, Fashion Illustrators, Fashion Consultants, Fashion Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Bathroom Furniture and Sanitary Ware Design
Product Excellence

Bathroom Furniture and Sanitary Ware Design

Sanitary Ware Designers, Bathroom Furniture Designers, Industrial Design Studios, Ceramic Artists, Bathroom Interior Designers, Plumbing System Designers, Bathroom Furniture Brands, Sanitary Ware Manufacturers, Industrial Designers, Design Engineers, Bathroom Furniture Manufacturers, Sanitary Ware Brands, Product Designers, Bathroom Fixture Specialists, Bath and Spa Design Consultants, Sanitary Ware Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Fashion and Travel Accessories Design
Fashionable Design

Fashion and Travel Accessories Design

Accessory Designers, Fashion Designers, Travel Accessory Designers, Luxury Goods Manufacturers, Leather Goods Designers, Textile Designers, Industrial Designers, Product Designers, Jewelry Designers, Eyewear Designers, Footwear Designers, Handbag Designers, Fashion Brands, Travel Accessory Brands, Accessory Manufacturers, Accessory Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design
Love for Nature

Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design

Sustainable Product Designers, Green Product Manufacturers, Eco-friendly Product Brands, Industrial Designers, Environmental Engineers, Material Science Specialists, Eco-Design Consultants, Green Architecture Firms, Renewable Energy Companies, Waste Management Companies, Eco-Friendly Packaging Designers, Sustainable Fashion Brands, Eco-Friendly Furniture Designers, Sustainable Innovation Managers, Green Design Consultancy Firms, Sustainable Product Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies.

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Design Studio

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Great Designer

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Great Designer

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Design Interview

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Design Idea of the Day
Good Concepts

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Design Trend of the Day
Trendsetter Designs

Design Trend of the Day

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Design Brand of the Day
Designer Brands

Design Brand of the Day

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