World Design Index
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The World Design Index is an international list of award-winning designers, artists, architects, creators, photographers, illustrators, interior designers, product designers, industrial designers from across the globe.

Furniture Excellence

Furniture Design

Chairs, Tables, Sofas, Beds, Cabinets, Shelves, Desks, Wardrobes and More.

Product Excellence

Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design

Smartphones, Tablets, Wearables, Mobile Applications, Mobile Games, Mobile Software, Mobile Platforms, Mobile Interfaces and More.

Imaging Excellence

Photography and Photo Manipulation Design

Portraits, Landscapes, Still Lifes, Photojournalism, Fashion Shots, Architectural Images, Wildlife Captures, Sports Events and More.

Recently Active Designers

These designers were recently involved in good design practices.

# Designer's Name Scope Origin Territory
1 Adina Banea Professional Flag of Romania Romania
2 Simina Filat Startup Flag of Romania Romania
3 Lihsing Wang Professional Flag of United States of America United States of America
4 Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen Agency Flag of United States of America United States of America
5 Fabrizio Constanza Professional Flag of United States of America United States of America
6 Paolo Demel Professional Flag of Italy Italy
7 Weiwei Zhang Academic Collaboration Flag of China China
8 Onur Cobanli Enterprise Flag of Italy Italy
9 Mohamad ali Vadood Professional Flag of Iran Iran
10 Aamer Qaisiyah Professional Flag of Kuwait Kuwait
11 Igor Dydykin Professional Flag of Russian Federation Russian Federation
12 Shinjiro Heshiki Professional Flag of Japan Japan
13 Khalil Taleeslami Professional Flag of Iran Iran
14 Masuo Fujimura Professional Flag of Japan Japan
15 Seyed Ilia Daneshpour Non-Profit Flag of Iran Iran
16 Nikola Vucicevic Non-Profit Flag of United States of America United States of America
17 Ilana Seleznev Professional Flag of Israel Israel
18 Mohammad Hossein Namayandegi Professional Flag of Iran Iran
19 Qiuyu Li Professional Flag of Japan Japan
20 Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan Agency Flag of Taiwan (China) Taiwan (China)
21 Giuseppe Persia Professional Flag of Italy Italy
22 Torres Arquitetos Agency Flag of Brazil Brazil
23 EvanChen Professional Partnership Flag of China China
24 Larissa Moraes Professional Flag of Brazil Brazil
25 Hijung Kasuya Professional Flag of Japan Japan
26 Morada Decor Professional Partnership Flag of Brazil Brazil
27 Cynthia Turner Professional Flag of United States of America United States of America
28 Suncana Jozic Lucic Professional Flag of Croatia Croatia
29 Robin, Wang Enterprise Flag of China China
30 Ekin Koker Professional Flag of Italy Italy
31 Hsiang Kai Yang Professional Flag of Taiwan (China) Taiwan (China)
32 Neo Nguyen Professional Flag of Viet Nam Viet Nam
33 Inna Anishchenko Startup Flag of United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
34 Nargiza Usmanova Professional Flag of Canada Canada
35 Oksana Kashkovskaya Professional Flag of Russian Federation Russian Federation
36 Golnoush Zamani and Hajar Shahsavari Young Flag of Iran Iran
37 Igor Borovyk Professional Flag of Ukraine Ukraine
38 Patrizia Donà Professional Flag of Croatia Croatia
39 Edoardo Accordi Professional Flag of Italy Italy
40 Studio Atelier11 Enterprise Flag of Republic of Korea Republic of Korea
41 Jong Won Park Professional Flag of Germany Germany
42 Julius Szabó Professional Flag of Slovakia Slovakia
43 Emre Ozsoz Enterprise Flag of Turkey Turkey
44 W Design Bureau Agency Flag of Turkey Turkey
45 Frida Hultén Professional Flag of Italy Italy
46 Fabio Su Professional Flag of Taiwan (China) Taiwan (China)
47 Takusei Kajitani Professional Flag of Japan Japan
48 Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang (TW) Academic Flag of Taiwan (China) Taiwan (China)
49 Rajasshri Parashar Professional Flag of India India
50 Olga Yatskaer Professional Flag of Belgium Belgium
World Design Index database © 2009 - 2025 A' Design Award & Competition SRL. All rights reserved. Database rights reserved in reference to Council of the European Union Directive 96/9/EC of 11 March 1996. You are explicitly forbidden to duplicate or copy the designers database above, even partially. You may contact the designers above only for hiring them, buying their products or publishing their work in your publications (provided your publication does not charge or require any fees from the designers directly or indirectly, and provided that publication or journalism is your primary, core business), for all other purposes, you are not permitted to contact the designers for any marketing, promotion or advertising.

Good Designers

Find award-winning designers and architects.

Interior Space and Exhibition Design
Design Excellence

Interior Space and Exhibition Design

Interior Designers, Interior Architects, Architects, Decorators, Exhibition Designers, Architectural Design Offices, Retail Space Planners, Commercial Space Designers, Hospitality Designers, Exhibition Curators, Spatial Design Consultants, Space Planners, Space Designers, 3D Rendering Artists, Showroom Designers, Brand Experience Designers, Pop-up Store Designers, Visual Merchandisers, Interior Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Packaging Design
Packaging Technology

Packaging Design

Packaging Designers, Graphic Designers, Branding Agencies, Product Manufacturers, Luxury Goods Manufacturers, Cosmetic Brands, Food and Beverage Companies, Industrial Designers, Packaging Specialists, Printing and Labeling Specialists, Packaging Engineers, Design Professionals, Marketing Firms, Advertising Houses, Creative Agencies, Packaging Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design
Product Excellence

Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design

Mobile Designers, Application Developers, Software Engineers, User Interface Designers, User Experience Designers, Mobile Application Platforms, Mobile Device Manufacturers, Telecom Operators, Electronics Engineers, Programmers and Coders, Mobile Game Developers, Mobile Security Specialists, Mobile Marketing Agencies, Mobile Payment Solution Providers, Mobile Health Tech Companies, Mobile Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Design Services

Work with award-winning designers and architects to acquire high-level design services.

Digital and Electronic Device Design
Advanced Technology

Digital and Electronic Device Design

Consumer Electronics Designers, Consumer Electronics Brands, Consumer Electronics Manufacturers, Electronic Product Manufacturers, Industrial Designers, Technology Companies, High-Technology Innovators, Electronic Device Engineers, Hardware Engineers, R&D Firms, Electronics Specialists, Product Engineers, Appliance Manufacturers, Appliance Brands, Consumer Electronics Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Interface, Interaction and User Experience Design
Best User Experience

Interface, Interaction and User Experience Design

Interface Designers, Interaction Designers, User Experience Designers, Digital Product Designers, Mobile App Designers, Web Designers, Graphic Designers, Game Designers, Software Developers, Digital Artists, Information Architects, Brand Strategists, Creative Agencies, Advertising Companies, Multimedia Artists, UI/UX Designers, App Developers, Human-Computer Interaction Specialists, User Research Analysts, Data Visualization Experts, Interface Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Baby, Kids' and Children's Products Design
Trust Value

Baby, Kids' and Children's Products Design

Baby Product Designers, Industrial Designers, Toy Companies, Children's Product Manufacturers, Baby Product Brands, Pediatric Product Design Consultants, Child Safety Experts, Maternity Product Designers, Children's Furniture Designers, Textile Designers for Children's Products, Children's Apparel Designers, Children's Footwear Designers, Children's Accessories Designers, Children's Educational Toy Designers, Baby Product Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Print and Published Media Design
Journalism Excellence

Print and Published Media Design

Print Designers, Published Media Designers, Graphic Designers, Typography Experts, Layout Artists, Illustrators, Art Directors, Branding Agencies, Print Manufacturers, Print Brands, Advertising Agencies, Visual Communication Professionals, Content Creators, Authors, Editors, Publishers, Writers, Journalists, Publishing Companies, Print Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design
Leading Technology

Vehicle, Mobility and Transportation Design

Vehicle Designers, Mobility Solution Providers, Transportation Design Studios, Automotive Engineers, Vehicle Brands, Vehicle Manufacturers, Industrial Designers, Aerospace Engineers, R&D Firms, Public Transport Authorities, Motor and Engine Producers, Vehicle Engineers, Transportation Companies, Product Engineers, Design Engineers, Concept Vehicle Designers, High-Technology Brands, Vehicle Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design
Fashion Trendsetting

Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design

Fashion Designers, Apparel Designers, Garment Designers, Textile Designers, Fashion Brands, Couturiers, Fashion Houses, Stylists, Tailors, Outfitters, Garment Manufacturers, Costume Designers, Accessory Designers, Fashion Illustrators, Fashion Consultants, Fashion Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Bathroom Furniture and Sanitary Ware Design
Product Excellence

Bathroom Furniture and Sanitary Ware Design

Sanitary Ware Designers, Bathroom Furniture Designers, Industrial Design Studios, Ceramic Artists, Bathroom Interior Designers, Plumbing System Designers, Bathroom Furniture Brands, Sanitary Ware Manufacturers, Industrial Designers, Design Engineers, Bathroom Furniture Manufacturers, Sanitary Ware Brands, Product Designers, Bathroom Fixture Specialists, Bath and Spa Design Consultants, Sanitary Ware Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Website and Web Design
Good Experience

Website and Web Design

Web Designers, User Interface Designers, User Experience Designers, Graphic Designers, Web Developers, Front-End Developers, Back-End Developers, Full-Stack Developers, Web Content Creators, Digital Marketing Agencies, SEO Specialists, Web Accessibility Consultants, Information Architects, Interaction Designers, Web Branding Agencies, Web Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies

Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design
Love for Nature

Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design

Sustainable Product Designers, Green Product Manufacturers, Eco-friendly Product Brands, Industrial Designers, Environmental Engineers, Material Science Specialists, Eco-Design Consultants, Green Architecture Firms, Renewable Energy Companies, Waste Management Companies, Eco-Friendly Packaging Designers, Sustainable Fashion Brands, Eco-Friendly Furniture Designers, Sustainable Innovation Managers, Green Design Consultancy Firms, Sustainable Product Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Development Companies.

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Design of the Day
Good Design

Design of the Day

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Design Team of the Day
Design Studio

Design Team of the Day

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Designer of the Day
Great Designer

Designer of the Day

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Design Legend of the Day
Great Designer

Design Legend of the Day

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Design Interview of the Day
Design Interview

Design Interview of the Day

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Highlight of the Day
Featured Designer

Highlight of the Day

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Design Idea of the Day
Good Concepts

Design Idea of the Day

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Design Trend of the Day
Trendsetter Designs

Design Trend of the Day

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Design Brand of the Day
Designer Brands

Design Brand of the Day

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